Friday, April 25, 2014

I Wanna Washi -- Let's Do the Twist (Tie)

You know how you open a box of garbage bags with 15 bags, and 50 twist ties?  Twist ties are good; twist ties are useful.  But no way do you need 50 twist ties for 15 garbage bags!

So a small pile of twist ties starts to collect in the bottom of your storage bag drawer.  Oh, you may pull out one or two every now and then to close up the half-bag of chocolate chips or the bulk walnuts.  But the pile just keeps growing, and growing, and you'd feel guilty for throwing them out, but what are you going to do with them?

Then maybe you get a pretty bag of holiday candy with a shiny gold twist tie and think, oh, if only I could make these look nicer, I could do something with them!

Hannah of The Homesteady came up a pretty solution for you (and me):

Credit:  The Homesteady

Hannah came up with this idea for color-coding identical power cords in your luggage, but I'm seeing definite crafting and gift-giving possibilities here.

What about you?  What will you do with your washi twist ties?

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